The Reward of Highly Effective Tweets

Your tweets are more than fleeting thoughts lost to the Internet. They reflect your knowledge, expertise, and experience – yet distilled into an easily accessible form. If you’re serious about attracting new clients,
there are few avenues better than Twitter to show off your unique and informed approach to your business.

Twitter update

Yet tweeting doesn’t come easy, a fact made all the more frustrating as you stare at that little blue bird while your feed fills below with a steady stream of witticisms and frolick. So don’t. Don’t what? When it comes to
your business, don’t fall for the urge to add to Twitter’s frivolous clutter. Your Twitter feed should hold up to the scrutiny of a prospective client. It’s more than a broadcast center – it’s a lasting record of your expert acumen.

We were at a conference the other day and did what we normally do: exchange contact info with a number of contacts while juggling a handful of business cards and new names. What happened next was quite revealing. The following day we received an email from one of these new contacts saying that he had read our blog, scrolled through our tweets, and decided that we were “the real thing”, i.e., an expert. Without that running chronicle of our tips, tricks and aphorisms, he would have never gotten a sense of our deep knowledge of the industry.

It’s a fine line, however, between savvy insights and rote updates. Becoming good at it takes time, and time takes perseverance, so remember to Tweet often and experiment with what comes naturally. If you’re uninspired, don’t
force it; but when something pops into your head, whip out that smart phone (because yes, we all have one) and spark your thoughts. And don’t stop having fun on Twitter, because it’s an inherently fun medium. Just think
about your audience and whether you’re tweets reveal something about your strengths. If your work is good, then so should be your tweets. If your tweets are good, then so should a client judge you well. And on and on in 140 characters or less.