Where Are All My Customers? Pssst…they’re online!

Everyone has some sort of business these days. From big corporations and smaller boutique firms to individuals, they all have one thing in common – a desire to get ideas, services and products to those who need and want them in hopes they’ll come back for more!

Not long ago, when a new product, fad or idea needed to be made known, there were a few primary ways to tell the world about it: radio, television, newspapers and word of mouth. While all those mediums are still effective today, one in particular has more than evolved. Word of mouth, undoubtedly one of man’s best tools for disseminating information, has a new face, and that’s the World Wide Web. With email, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Vimeo, ideas are transmitted globally between 5 individuals or 5,000 in a matter of minutes. People are online now more than ever. Don’t believe it? Take a glance at the pretty red circles in our blog post.
So it’s not rocket science to see that online is the place to be. It’s your best shot at reaching the people who could benefit from what you have to offer. Blogging, YouTubing, Facebooking, you name it. There are countless online media that can make your business known in a way that’s easy, personable and much cheaper than TV, radio and print ads.  And since you’ve managed to find us, we’ll hazard a guess you might agree. We’re the people’s usability people, taking our own advice and trying to get out there to our folks in need. So let’s stir up that online chatter and join a conversation with the folks searching for us!